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SAP SD/CS consultant /remote/

Spoločnosť: gd - Team, a.s.
Miesto výkonu práce: Pezinok
Základná zložka mzdy (v hrubom): 3500 € za mesiac
Dátum nástupu: ihneď
Dátum pridania ponuky: 14.03.2022
Dátum poslednej aktualizácie: 02.12.2022
Dátum platnosti ponuky: 02.02.2023
Pracovný a mimopracovný pomer: domácka práca a telepráca
Pracovná oblasť: IT a telekomunikácie

Údaje o pracovnom mieste

Náplň (druh) práce

We are looking for an experienced colleague who will work with us on projects for international companies and help us deploy and maintain technological solutions at such companies. Become part of the elite IT community, improve your skillset and make good money. All this in flexible conditions and a pleasant culture of a stable Slovak company with reputable European clients.

- independently solve projects in the above thematic areas and supervise them up to the deployment phase
- a development team is available for development work, but you can also make minor code adjustments yourself
- support of the existing team in the 3rd Level Support SAP-Support of the above-stated modules
- direct communication (in person, remote) with our clients, where you should act as a consultant and an equal partner
- perfect analysis of client requirements
- configuration and customization of modules based on client requirements
- designing new architecture and comprehensive solutions
- providing support and training for end-users

Požadované vzdelanie

Vysokoškolské vzdelanie druhého stupňa

Dĺžka praxe

aspoň 5 rokov

Cudzie jazyky

anglický - vysoká: C1 a C2

nemecký - vysoká: C1 a C2

Podmienka: Ovládanie aspoň jedného z vybraných jazykov


SAP - pokročilá

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