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Spoločnosť: Unomedical s.r.o.
Miesto výkonu práce: Michalovce
Základná zložka mzdy (v hrubom): 1200 € za mesiac
Dátum nástupu: ihneď
Dátum pridania ponuky: 19.08.2022
Dátum poslednej aktualizácie: 11.04.2023
Dátum platnosti ponuky: 11.06.2023
Pracovný a mimopracovný pomer: pracovný pomer na určitú dobu počet mesiacov: 12
Pracovná oblasť: Manažment, podnikové financie, účtovníctvo, kontrola a štatistika

Údaje o pracovnom mieste

Náplň (druh) práce

Change is everywhere at Convatec. It’s transforming our business, and helping us improve millions of lives. And we’re nowhere near finished. Across every part of our business, we’re pushing for better. Join us on our journey to #ForeverCaring as a Controller and you’ll do the same.

About the role:
Ensure an active role in identification, implementation and follow-up on cost saving initiatives.

Your key duties and responsibilities as a Controller:
• Annual planning process and the quarterly forecasting process
• Preparation of monthly analysis of status comparing to AOP/estimate
• Support the plant management team in decision-making based on continuous cost analyses
• Proactively develop new reporting tools and at the same time support the plant management with relevant business information
• Implementation and follow-up on key performance indicators relevant to the plant
• Supporting of cross-functional projects and sharing of best-practices

Požadované vzdelanie

Vysokoškolské vzdelanie druhého stupňa

Dĺžka praxe

aspoň 3 roky

Cudzie jazyky

anglický - pokročilá: B1 a B2


Microsoft Excel - vysoká

Microsoft Word - pokročilá

Microsoft PowerPoint - pokročilá

Microsoft Outlook - pokročilá

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