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Regional Director (Country Director)

Spoločnosť: HR Plus eprivacy s. r. o.
Miesto výkonu práce: Bratislava-Nové Mesto
Základná zložka mzdy (v hrubom): 3500 € za mesiac
Dátum nástupu: ihneď
Dátum pridania ponuky: 14.01.2023
Dátum poslednej aktualizácie: 16.01.2023
Dátum platnosti ponuky: 14.03.2023
Pracovný a mimopracovný pomer: pracovný pomer na neurčitý čas
Pracovná oblasť: Personalistika, administratíva a služby zákazníkom,Obchod, marketing a reklama

Údaje o pracovnom mieste

Náplň (druh) práce

Oversee thoroughly the in-country profit and loss (P&L) meanwhile ensuring maximum revenue and contribute to reducing waste factors which could impact GP and EBIT
Explore new revenue opportunities which can benefit to our client and business
Define annual budgets
Help the business achieve its immediate, medium and long-term objectives as well as assist in setting the future direction of the campaign and country operations
Develop and implement successful communication programs which can create lasting internal and external relationships (clients, stakeholders, employees)
Analyse, address and improve areas of development within our business which can positively impact on both clients and stakeholders by using effective action planning
Develop and maintain an efficient client contact strategy in order to create relationships with new stakeholders as well as collaborating closely with them to drive the business
Assess where new products or services could add value to current or prospect clients and recommend solid business plans to create these services in order to further help our business in becoming a trusted partner
Handle the whole service delivery consistently with all elements of the contractual agreement
Forecast risks and establish limits where possible through active control measures
Understand the strategy underlying contact centre operations and what needs to be done or used in order to drive outstanding performance
Use an inspiring and proactive leadership approach to ensure high visibility, engagement and to manage from the front
Drive your teams to deliver excellence meanwhile reinforcing the organisational strategy and goals and sharing success
Put people at the heart of everything you do and display genuine care and consideration for the people you work with or support
Be ever mindful of risks and goals.

Požadované vzdelanie

Vysokoškolské vzdelanie druhého stupňa

Cudzie jazyky

anglický - pokročilá: B1 a B2

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