Súkromná základná škola, Trnavská cesta 3421/39, Bratislava
Miesto výkonu práce:
Bratislava-Nové Mesto
Základná zložka mzdy (v hrubom):
2000 € za mesiac
Dátum nástupu:
Dátum pridania ponuky:
Dátum poslednej aktualizácie:
Dátum platnosti ponuky:
Pracovný a mimopracovný pomer:
pracovný pomer na určitú dobu
počet mesiacov: 12
Pracovná oblasť:
Výchova, vzdelávanie a šport
Údaje o pracovnom mieste
Náplň (druh) práce
Ensuring that teaching and learning in the classroom is of a consistently high quality.
Actively contributing to a cohesive, hardworking, and happy team, with a strong collegiate culture
Promoting and developing to students’ academic, personal, and social development beyond the classroom
Plan and prepare lessons as well as contribute towards developing schemes of work.
To develop appropriate specifications, resources, schemes of work, marking policies, and teaching and learning strategies in your curriculum area
To attend the weekly staff meetings and annual parents’ meeting
To conduct an after-school club once a week.