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Sales Engineer / Obchodno-technický zástupca

Spoločnosť: CIMCOOL EUROPE B.V., Slovak Branch, organizačná zložka
Miesto výkonu práce: Bratislava-Ružinov
Základná zložka mzdy (v hrubom): 2000 € za mesiac
Dátum nástupu: ihneď
Dátum pridania ponuky: 11.05.2023
Dátum poslednej aktualizácie: 01.06.2023
Dátum platnosti ponuky: 31.07.2023
Pracovný a mimopracovný pomer: pracovný pomer na neurčitý čas
Pracovná oblasť: Strojárstvo (vrátane výroby motorových vozidiel),Obchod, marketing a reklama,Chemická výroba a farmácia

Údaje o pracovnom mieste

Náplň (druh) práce

• Achieving sales targets set by the Company. Achieving the Annual Operating Plan for the area;
• Organizing and structuring own sales activities; regular visits to Customers, Opportunities/leads & Distributors in the area and their support;
• Co-operation with country Technical department regarding the product selection for Customers
• Co-operation in managing specific Global/European Accounts in the area, and help develop growth strategies and (European) pricing agreements for those Accounts;
• Creating of new business and sales opportunities; help identifying possible new markets for (new) products and (new) services through all channels within the Area;
• Continuously collect data and report on market trends, competitive products and pricing and update the CRM database with the latest information;
• Continuously update the progress on running sales opportunities in the sales area and review the CRM data and reports;
• Implement sales and marketing programs for targeted markets, products or product groups within the Area.
• Negotiations on local contracts and agreements;
• Local Technical Support to customers and distributors in co-operation with country Technical department.

Požadované vzdelanie

Vysokoškolské vzdelanie prvého stupňa

Vysokoškolské vzdelanie druhého stupňa

Dĺžka praxe

aspoň 5 rokov

Cudzie jazyky

anglický - pokročilá: B1 a B2


Internet - pokročilá

Microsoft Excel - pokročilá

Microsoft Outlook - pokročilá

Microsoft PowerPoint - pokročilá

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